Outdoor Storytime with Eastgate is a 30-minute storytime for children ages 0-9 and their grownups. Enjoy the beautiful outdoors and a story at the
Brainerd Farmers’ Market: 20 Belvoir Ave, Chattanooga, TN 37411
Plus, come by before or stick around after storytime to learn about upcoming programs and events, seed packets, tips about checking out our Tool Library, and so much more.
First Saturday of the Month
January – March: 11am – 12pm with Storytime at 11:30 am
April – December: 10 am – 12 pm with Storytime at 10:30 am
Tips For Storytime
We suggest you bring a towel or blanket, a hat or sunscreen, and bug spray if needed.
Please note that caregivers must stay with their child(ren) and ensure their safety during the entire program. For more information, call the Eastgate Library at 423-643-7770.
In Case of Inclement Weather
If there is inclement weather – rain, winds over 15 mph, temps below 40 degrees F, or temps above 95 degrees F – this program will be postponed or relocated to the pavilion at the Brainerd Farmers’ Market.